My Dad is the King in a faraway place.
My Brother is the Prince.
(He's actually the King too but it gets confusing becuase we have different ways here)
He is building a mansion for me there.
He will build a mansion for each of my friends who want to come live there.
I don't even have to know the people very much. Just get them to sign up in advance.
I know they will love the place. It is awesome; and Dad is so cool. (to those who love Him)Whoever wants to come will be welcome. But there is only one way to get there.
My Brother has to approve you. You have to be his servant here first. He will send messages long distance of what He wants you to do. But don't worry He won't give you more to do than you are able. For everything He gives you to do He will give you the tools to do it -- Anything you need. (But not anything you want). He knows best. Pretty much you would be an ambassador for our place. I know it can be difficult to be an ambassador for a place you've never been but there is an instruction book. Actually a best seller but most people don't read it. And there is a lot of hard to understand stuff in it. You have to read it over and over and if you are not in the right frame of mind you still won't understand it.
The Mammal Cage
"The Mammal Cage" is the fifth story in *Of Seaweed and Chocolate*, but
it's also the first. Fifth is where it fits in the sequence of the book,
but it ...
1 year ago
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