Monday, January 19, 2009

Tag 7

Ok, I've been tagged. I'm supposed to tell you seven weird or random things about myself.

1. I got my GED after I got my Associates Degree.

2. I wear woman's running shoes size 10 1/2 AA, with pink ribbons on them for breast cancer awareness.

3. Both my parents have been ordained American Baptist ministers.

4. I have been to USA, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Korea, Germany, Kuwait, Iraq (in that order)

5. My favorite activity in the snow is shoveling it.

6. I have read through the Bible every year since I was 40.

7. When I was 17 I stole money from a bank to buy a motorcycle.

1 comment:

Lavonda Pflug said...

#1--I think I knew this already but it is an odd thing.
#2--suprising for a Marine. Do you wear them on base?
#3--I knew this one too but it is unusual.
#4--And soon to go back to Japan huh?
#5--I'm not suprised.
#6--Good for you!!
#7--I want details!!!