Saturday, August 7, 2010

Online stock investing simulator

Since I'm a student of finance a lot of folks ask me for money advice. One guy was looking for a place to open a brokerage account and keep fees low. His plan was to do this for his 13 year old son for educational purposes. (not to save for college but rather to learn how the stock market works) I suggested he save money by using a stock simulation tool. I did a little research and found the most reccomended was I opened by own account and am having fun making "Money" It is not perfect and may teach some bad habits such as trading for short term gains rather than buy to hold. and it has a lot of people posting links to advertise their speculative investments such as penny stocks. But overall I think anyone interested should open up an account and practice with pretend money before investing the real thing in the markets. I'm submitting the link to this blog in hopes of getting a couple grand extra play money from them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've tried the fantasy stock simulator at

I'll have to try this other one out!