Wives submit to your husband on the road. If he already has a driver's license there is no need for you to teach him how to drive. Let him do it his way. You should not advise him nor correct him with your words nor with your body language. Give him the same respect you would give a Taxi driver. Be quiet and don't slam on your imaginary brakes nor clench your teeth and grip the dashboard. If his driving is that bad don't get in the car with him anymore when he is driving. But if you trust him to get you safely down the road don't give him any advice that he does not ask for. If he takes a wrong turn let it be. Even if he goes for hours in the wrong direction on the highway Let him discover that for himself rather than have you point it out to him. Your job is not to teach or mentor him but to encourage him and build him up. Give him as much respect as you gave him before you got married - as much as you give to your father or your boss or your teacher.
If you disagree with this than chances are likely that you are a women who is not submitting to your husband nor to God. Pray about that.
The Mammal Cage
"The Mammal Cage" is the fifth story in *Of Seaweed and Chocolate*, but
it's also the first. Fifth is where it fits in the sequence of the book,
but it ...
1 year ago
Oh PU-LEEZE! lol
Think of her as the weaker vessel. (A fine china tea cup.) Handle her with care and that means you don't have to win the race and you don't have to prove your manhood behind the wheel. She is a priceless fragile package that you are responsible for. If she is afraid riding with you, then you are not handling her with enough care.
"Husbands, in the SAME WAY be CONSIDERATE as you live with your wives, and treat them with RESPECT(honor)as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, SO THAT NOTHING WILL HINDER YOUR PRAYERS."
1 PETER 3:7
So not honoring your wife can cause your prayers not to be heard by God?! That's a pretty big deal.
Just something I heard in a couple's study at church. :o)
If your husband is going the wrong way or doing the wrong thing I don't think that he should be encouraged in that. Nothing disrespectful in encouraging him to go the RIGHT way instead. Letting him wast time and gas just so he can think he is right for a little while is foolish pride on his part.
If a wife corrects her husband on the way he drives or the direction he is going (not talking about sin here) then she is telling him that her way of doing things is better than his way. She is telling him that she does not respect the way he is acting and therefore she does not respect him. You might as well tell him you don't love him. It means just about the same thing to a man.
as for how a man should treat his wife that is a different post... but in short He should give up his life for her.
Um, responding to your last comment (with love)--
Telling someone they made a wrong turn on the road has very little to do with your love for them. You may be that overly sensitive, but all men are not. I've navigated for my husband and not once has he been offended or felt dishonored if I told him he made a wrong turn.
In fact, if we are talking about something even more important than driving here, one time my husband and I had a conversation about how he thought one of our daughters should tell her husband a certain thing. I told him that he wouldn't appreciate it if I treated him that way (told him what he should do), and he said, "If it kept me from making a big mistake I wouldn't mind." So maybe you shouldn't speak for all men. The reason God created Eve was because He knew Adam would need a little help from time to time. Could it be that Adam had a hard time finding his way around the garden? ;)
Might I add a p.s. here? If the wife has a full bladder and the husband is driving around lost as a goose, I think she might have a one-time right to tell him where to go! lol
You are right the wife should navigate when the husband wants her to. and she should share her Opinions and feelings with him. Just as long as she does not put herself in a position of authority over him for it the husband not the wife who is accountable to God for the way he leads his family.
You are correct...but I have a hard time seeing how a husband's driving has anything to do with how he leads his family, especially when the kids are all grown and gone from home and it is just two people in the car. One trying to be macho and one fearing for her life. lol
When God tells a lady to be submissive to her husband and she does not want to obey God She will often change the subject to what God is telling the husband to do.
Wow.. I understand how that can be disrespectful to a man! I think that too many times women try to take over and take authority (even when they say they are not). I mean, was she really fearing for her life? or was she just a little irritated... that things weren't going HER way, which she THINKS is the right way.
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