Tuesday, September 7, 2010

No second Term for President Obama.

President Obama is not acting as the typical politicion whose primary objective is to be re-elected. He is acting more in the line of the politicians JFK praised in Profiles in Courage. Ignoring the poles he continues to push for things the people say they don't want. Perhaps the reason he doesn't mind being a one term president is that he has his sights on a higher position. The US President used to be considered a world leader but President Obama is doing a lot to equalize America in the eyes of the world. No longer will we be feared as superpower. By humbling America and decreasing our capabilites perhaps he feels he is elevating his own status in the world. He may have in mind a position for himself of higher honor around the globe than that of President of the United States of America. A position either elected, appointed or merely in the minds of millions of people. And perhaps God will grant that to him. Afterall has He not given America the leaders we deserve?

1 comment:

Deanna said...

Unless he pulls a rabbit out of the hat at the last minute ??? I hope not.

my word: aredi

Enough aredi !!!