Liberals are up in arms because so many states with Republican majorities are passing laws requiring Voters to prove who they are with photo ID Cards. Which people are more likely to not already have an ID card and would face hardship in getting one? Unemployed, Uneducated, Drug addicts, Handicapped, Poor, Dead, fictitious, elderly, underage, illegal immigrants, fraudsters voting under more than one name - Clearly these people usually vote for the democrat that's why the democrats are upset. the extra cost and effort to get an id card would keep many of these people from voting. Even those who can manage the transportation and paperwork to apply for welfare benifits and those who get a ride to the polls would not want to go get a photo ID card especially if it meant they had to take time off work at a pay loss and pay someone to get them to the DMV. Now I would be happy to pay a little more for my driver's liscence to allow all these to get a free ID card. I wouldn't want anyone to be excluded from voting becuase they could not afford an ID card. I would think the democrats who drive them to the poles would volunteer to drive them to the DMV. Maybe even pay them 20 dollars to make up for their lost wages.
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